Tuesday, August 31, 2004
I'm still here, see? *waves*
My mom gave me her computer today so I should be back in business within a day or two. I also plan on getting a cell phone within the next few days. That way you'll all be able to get ahold of me and stuff.
More later, I'm gonna go to bed.
Posted by Rachel at 11:25 PM |
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Welcome to MSN.com
I moved into my dorm today. Not sure when I'll have a computer to talk to everyone, but until then if you want to get ahold of me, my dorm # is 964-6149. Most of you won't need the area code, and those of you who will, know what it is anyway.
Au revoir for now.
Posted by Rachel at 5:04 PM |
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
I started a tradition a couple years ago where I make 3 CDs that define my summer in terms of the music I listened to at the time: one is fast songs, one is slow songs, and the other is random - for the songs that fit in between fast and slow, or didn't fit on one of the other 2 CDs. My summer is ending witha crash-bang come Wednesday - I won't have access to a computer with a CD burner once I move into my dorm. So now I have to finish and burn them tomorrow.
I've decided in that "
Truly Madly Deeply" is the sweetest love song ever. And I mean ever, even above "
Stand By Me" and "
Heaven." But alas, now it just makes me sad...
Anyway, if anyone is interested, here is a partial list of the 3 CDs so far - I refuse to find links for all the lyrics though.
Fast (aka "Songs your grandma probably wouldn't like")(aka, mostly crap hiphop music that I like for some reason):
1. J-Kwon - "Tipsy"
2. Black-eyed Peas - "Let's Get It Started"
3. Jagged Edge - "Let's Get Married" (remix)
4. Usher - "Yeah"
5. Audio Bullys - "100 Million"
6. Nelly - "Work It" (AC/DC remix)
7. Lil Wayne - "Way of Life"
8. "Tipsy" instrumental
9. Steriogram - "Walkie Talkie Man"
Slow (aka, songs to make you sad)
1. Donnie Darko sdtrk (don't know who sings it) - "Mad World"
2. Sophie B. Hawkins - "Damn (I Wish I Was Your Lover)"
3. Savage Garden - "Truly Madly Deeply"
4. The Cure - "A Chain of Flowers"
5. The Cure - "Prayers for Rain"
6. Tori Amos - "Losing My Religion"
Random (aka, "somewhere in the middle of fast and slow"):
1. Jewel - "Stand"
2. Nickelback - "Feelin' Way Too Damn Good"
3. Jojo - "Leave (Get Out)"
4. Modest Mouse - "Float On"
5. Linear - "Sending All My Love"
6. The Cure - "The Lovecats"
7. The Stone Roses - "Billie Jean" (MJ cover)
8. Janet Jackson - "Run Away"
9. Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Road Trippin'"
10. Imani Copola - "Legend of a Cowgirl"
11. Depeche Mode - "Dream On"
12. Shinedown - "45"
also, probably Nirvana - "Heart-Shaped Box" since I think I overlooked it last year.
That's all so far.
Posted by Rachel at 12:46 AM |
Sunday, August 22, 2004
worst day ever
July 21, 2003 - August 22, 2004
One year, one month, and one day later, Kurtis and I are no more.
I don't know what happens next.
Posted by Rachel at 11:52 AM |
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Saturday night
It's 10:30 on a Saturday night and I'm sitting home after a fairly long day at work. Ryan is giving me all these scary reasons why I should get a cell phone (what if I get lost? or in an accident? what if someone tries to run me off the road? hurt me or rape me?) *cringe* I'd like to get one but can't afford one right now. We'll see once the money starts coming in.
He also says I should get a Dell computer. He says he loves his. Once again, we'll see. I do need a computer - something that is both a)good, and b)cheap. A desktop, not a laptop.
I came home earlier tonight feeling dizzy and having difficulty walking distances in a straight line. Haven't tried walking lately but still feel dizzy if I turn my head too fast. Could it be lack of nutrients? I'm not anorexic; I just don't like to eat. It has nothing to do with thinking I'm fat. On the contrary, I agree that I need to gain weight. I'm just not trying very hard.
AIM should have a service that tells you if certain screen names are still in use. There are screennames I've had saved in my buddy list for awhile but haven't seen used in months. Do the names still even exist, or were the accounts deleted? I don't want to take them out just in case one day a few months from now, one of these people decided to sign on line. I'd like to talk to them.
Got an email from my stepmom. Nice to hear from her. They haven't exactly been bursting with news over at the dad's house lately, so it was a nice surprise. Not that it was a long email.
Sigh, I'm about to become the ultimate computer nerd. Sitting at home on a Saturday night, playing a computer game. Galaga, mind you, the best game ever. But a computer game, nonetheless.
Posted by Rachel at 10:33 PM |
Friday, August 20, 2004
blogger bar
Guess I had no choice, blogger added the bar on its own right over my template. I still agree that it's better than the ad, but I don't know enough about the html in my template to move the picture down.
Next blog, anyone?
UPDATE: Never mind, I win. What I couldn't fix with html, I fixed with adobe. My picture is now fully visible.
Posted by Rachel at 1:32 PM |
I'm scheduled to work 5 days next week. Right when everything is going on. Right during the time I have to move into my dorm and get settled in.
I try to keep reminding myself, I have to suffer now to enjoy life later. And having money saved up in the past has proven more useful than I could've imagined.
Work isn't even really that bad. I like it more than McDonald's. But they have me scheduled nights all week (and weekend) so I can't really make any plans to do anything.
On the bright side though, 7pm, 8pm, and 10pm aren't too late. I'm probably just channeling in pessimism from other grievances.
Posted by Rachel at 12:26 PM |
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
My mom just had me check her lotto tickets and unfortunately none of the 4 are winners. Maybe next time....
In completely unrelated news, I found a beautiful thing online the other night: a downloadable PC version of Galaga, the best arcade game in the world (or at least in my world of limited exposure to arcade games).
I'm not much into the newfangled gaming consoles and fancy graphics of today (classic Mario rocks! And let's not forget the Duck hunting game....) so this is right up my alley.
C'mon, you remember, right?
Don't those make you want to just go
download it for your very own computer?
I feel this could become a future addiction. I have yet to make it past the 4th level, but I will.
Posted by Rachel at 5:57 PM |
Monday, August 16, 2004
Maybe I'm the only one who's noticed this, but it seems to me that as time passes, the world's AIM etiquette is getting worse (mine included, if not first and foremost). We take forever to answer those who IM us. We wander away from our keyboards without so much as an away message. And the majority of those who do put up away messages leave us with messages that tell us nothing related to the fact that they're away. When one takes the time to actually read an away message (instead of just looking at their buddy list and noting the fact that an away message is up), is it not because they would like to know the whereabouts of the away person, as well as perhaps a way to reach them?
Okay, not in every case. Most of the time I read away messages out of sheer boredom, and I have come across some amusing alternatives to "brb", "out", or "sleeping."
But while these one-word messages (similar to the ones I put up) are generic and unoriginal, at least they give you a clue as to what's going on, unlike the worst away message of all: "I am away from my computer right now." Cuz, you know, the little yellow notepad next to your screenname on our buddy list didn't already tell us that. ;)
Posted by Rachel at 1:01 PM |
Sunday, August 15, 2004
To Internet Explorer, with love:
I hate you.
Posted by Rachel at 9:10 PM |
No Tarzan Here
Lately I've noticed a trend in my tracker stats that has me both amused and disturbed. It seems that my site is among the first to be listed in the results of a search for a certain Travis Flimmel. For the record, Travis Fimmel is this guy who used to be an underwear model for...Calvin Klein, I believe it was. I mentioned him once on here back in either November or December because he was in this TV show they made called "Tarzan" which was based on, well, Tarzan. (It started off where he'd been found and brought from the jungle to NYC by his uncle who wanted to exploit him. Jane was a cop and Tarzan watched over her and helped her catch bad guys and swung barefoot from building to building). I personally liked the show, but apparently the general TV-watching public did not agree, because it was relatively short-lived.
Anyway, whomever it is being directed to this site in search of Travis Flimmel, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed - no pictures or fansites here, sorry.
Posted by Rachel at 8:50 PM |
Thursday, August 12, 2004
I painted yesterday. Nothing good came of it - nothing fantastic, anyway. Actually, not much came of it at all - a flower, some words, a couple face outlines, half a sky... I'm better at drawing than I am at painting. My painting skills are still pretty amateur.
Not to mention, yesterday just wasn't a very good day overall anyway. It ended with me pulling myself off the couch in my grandma's basement at 1am and driving all the way to Kurtis's ("all the way" being about a half-hour drive) because I didn't want to be alone anymore. That's all I want to say on here; those who don't know what I'm talking about, just ask.
I dunno what's going to happen with us in the future. But for now, I still love him muchly and I don't want to let him go.
Not to mention, he has stalker tendencies. ;)
Posted by Rachel at 7:37 PM |
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
101 things you didn't know you wanted to know about me.
'Cause we might have more in common than you first thought.
Posted by Rachel at 2:09 PM |
I wish that, for once in my life, I could know just exactly what I want.
Posted by Rachel at 12:27 AM |
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
I slept in this morning. It's been awhile since I was able to sleep past 9am.
I finished a good book today.
Diary by Chuck Palahniuk. It wasn't quite what I'd first expected.
I danced for the first time in a long time today. In my living room, and no one else was home (they probably would have laughed if they'd been there).
I hung out with Dan for the first time today. It was a nice change of scenery. Even though he makes fun of me, he bought me lunch/dinner.
I held a rat for the first time in my life today. And it was cute, and its (her) name was Sally.
I checked the oil in my car all by myself today. And for the record, it was still full.
I sat alone in Jeff's garage and played the drums a little bit today. It's been awhile since I did that, too. Just the little rudimentary stuff my dad taught me (at least what I could remember of it). Maybe I still want to learn to play after all. It's been awhile since my last lesson.
All in all, today has been a good first step in changing my same-old dull routine.
Posted by Rachel at 6:59 PM |
Monday, August 09, 2004
To put it bluntly, I feel burnt out. Like someone much older who feels as though they've seen the best part of their life come and go. I know this can't be the case; I'm only 18, after all. How is it that a person can become so bored with the world after less than 2 decades in it? I haven't even seen all there is to see yet. But I feel isolated here where I stand. Like there's a whole wealth of things going on right around me but I can't tap into them. I read books that don't excite me and draw when I don't really feel like it. I sit on the internet much of the day, more out of habit than genuine desire, and make small conversation with people who'd rather be talking to someone else. I'm unmotivated and uninspired, and this is the worst way to be for me. I've got nothing of interest to talk about and not many people to tell it to.
I wish I was back in New York. I wish someone would cast upon me a challange I'd want to take on. I wish I could dive deep into my mind and find something worthwhile to resurface with. Something to create and explore and feel. But my mind has begun to numb itself, and I haven't yet figured out how to unlock it.
Posted by Rachel at 11:29 PM |
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Yes, another new template. As usual though, it's just a new way to present the same content. I don't really have the means to add more pages or do anything too exciting without finding a host and learning FTP, but I'm tempted to do just that. Eventually, maybe.
Until then, enjoy the pink, because I'm usually not a fan of pink, so it may not last long.
Posted by Rachel at 5:20 PM |
Last night I dragged (drug?) Kurtis to the fair again, somewhat against his will. Well, a lot against his will. But he later admitted that he had a good time and thanked me for getting him out of the house, so I guess it wasn't too awful of me. We were accompanied by my mom, my brother, two of his friends, my 4-yr-old sister Kristi, and James (who was with my mom). Kurtis and I rode the
Scrambler several times and I forced him to go on the roller coaster with me (I don't recall having ever seen a roller coaster at a fair before, but I don't think I've been to a fair within the last year or two). He admitted he had fun on the
boat (even though he hated it at first) so I pulled him onto it again. We went through the
fun house and I rode with Jeremy and his friends on the
Ring of Fire (which was better than I thought it'd be). I had two cups of $4 lemonade (fresh-squeezed - my mom drank most of the first one) and some of Kristi's popcorn. I love the lemonade they have at fairs and carnivals.
But last night was the last night of the fair. So no more lemonade for me.
Well, until the Corunna fair opens next week.
Posted by Rachel at 12:07 PM |
Thursday, August 05, 2004
As promised (for those who care, or just myself):
Day three was the part of the trip I was most looking forward to, and it did not disappoint. But then, how could anyone be disappointed with New York City?
Being such the tourist I am, I was fascinated with everything, right down to the subway (which I got to experience for the first time).The terminals were warm and stuffy because of...the tracks, I guess, and the machinery, and there were signs warning of rodents (in Spanish, no less). "There are huge rats around down in the tracks," Patrick told us. We didn't see any though.
First picture I took once off the subway. We didn't actually walk down Broadway, but we crossed it. Which will suffice for now.

In the distance there in the pic on the left is the Statue of Liberty. That's as close as we got. The picture above is the view as seen from the Tribeca bridge (which, surprisingly, I didn't take a
picture of).
We got there about half an hour before they closed. I guess one good thing about that though is not having to pay the admission fee....either that or we snuck in. Either way, we used our half hour wisely: we went to see the dinosaurs.
We went into a few shops along...one or two of the streets (I have no recollection of what these streets were) then ate dinner at a lovely little Italian restaurant on Bleeker St. (if I remember correctly - I'm too lazy to go check the card). Then it was off to...Times Square.
Bright lights and colors everywhere, and booths and vendors all along the sidewalks trying to sell their stuff. Plus lots of tourist shops, and lots of people. The streets were crowded - I'd guess mostly with tourists, like myself. Our last stop there was the Virgin Megastore. I was a bit disappointed though - you'd think that if you were looking for a hard-to-find CD, you might find it in the 3-story NYC Times Square Virgin Megastore. But alas, they didnt have either of the CDs I wanted. The rest I could get at Target for a good $5 less. So instead I bought a $10 imported British music magazine (hey, I couldn't leave the store empty-handed, after all).
Once we left there, we hopped a bus back to Clifton sometime after 11pm and thus ended day three.
Posted by Rachel at 11:39 PM |
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
I got hired at Old Navy. I have orientation Thursday, and the woman who conducted my second interview (and consequently hired me) yesterday said that I'll be starting out at $6/hr. That's 40ยข more than I made after a year and a half at McDonald's! Needless to say, I'm excited.
Posted by Rachel at 1:50 PM |
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Hm. Google says I now have 7 Gmail invites to give out. Is there even anybody left who wants Gmail that doesn't already have it?
Posted by Rachel at 5:27 PM |
Well, I may soon be able to consider myself employed after tomorrow. Yesterday I went out to Old Navy with Ryan, and both of us filled out applications. Today I had an interview (he did too, for the record), and tomorrow I go for a second interview at 2:30. I'm really hoping to get the job, actually, because one) I'd much rather work with clothes than food, and two) it's only about 10 minutes from where I'd be staying at SVSU.
I took Kurtis to see Napoleon Dynamite on Friday as a part of his birthday present; the movie is hilarious. The kid is basically a loser but completely oblivious to that fact. It's hard to explain. The movie didn't have much of an extensive overall plot, but it was the little things that had us laughing.
I guess it's getting mediocre reviews though. Says
imdb.com , "one might start to worry about the mental health of people who actually find this movie funny."
Posted by Rachel at 4:46 PM |