Friday, December 31, 2004 

I finally got around to attempting to check my grades. My math teacher told me that I got an A for the semester...woooooooo! I also have an A in history. I don't know about English and Theatre officially but if I had to guess, I'd say I probably got a 4.0 for the semester.

One down, seven to go.

Posted by Rachel at 1:27 PM |

Thursday, December 30, 2004 

end-of-year survey

I found this survey while digging through my archives the other day and decided I might as well do it again this year. It is my own edited version, of course - the real version has about 39 questions, I do believe. Anyway.

1.What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before? A thing or two that I'll not mention here. I also got my driver's license and gave a speech in a stadium.

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions and will you make more for next year? I think my resolution last year was to get a driver's license. If it was (I can't remember for sure) then yeah, I kept it. I probably won't set a resolution for 2005 unless I think of something really good.

3. What countries did you visit? Just one, the same one, every day.

4. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004? My own place - an apartment. And also maybe a set direction that I want my life to go in.

5. What date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? The day I spent in New York City (July 26). Also, August 23, the weekend of Sept 10-12, and December 23, each for their own reasons. (sorry, I'm being a bit secretive)

6. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Graduating, moving out of my house, going to college, blah blah blah...

7. What was your biggest failure? A long-term relationship. And losing myself in day-to-day activity - sounds retarded, maybe, but I've "lost touch with my inner self." Or something.

8. Did you suffer illness or injury? No injuries, but I did get mono right at the end of the school year - I was just getting over it when I did the spring play for drama.

9. Whose behavior merited celebration? Would I be conceited if I said my own? I got my driver's license, moved out of my house, paid for living on campus with no help (aside from a school loan), kept on good terms with both my dad and my mom, did well in school, worked to support myself, and figured out how to budget.

10. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? SVSU's - they built new housing in our parking lot, overcharged me for school books (:P) and waited til the morning of the due date to tell me how much money I owed them, creating much unnecessary stress.

11. Where did most of your money go? To SVSU for college expenses. I probably put almost $2000 into living on campus, buying books, etc.

12. What song will always remind you of 2004? I think probably every song on the "slow" mix I made at the end of the summer. But namely "Glycerine" by Bush, I suppose.

13. Compared to last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder?...I don't know, actually. Overall I suppose happier - I'm finally away from home and under my own control, instead of the parentals.
ii. thinner or fatter? About the same, actually. My weight stays right between 130 and 135. I lost some when I had mono, but I think I've gained it all back.
iii. richer or poorer? Richer - well, I've been able to increase my expenses and still pay for them. I still don't have a lot of spending money lying around.

14. What do you wish you'd done more of? Uh...eating. And writing and art stuff. I've really slacked off at writing in my journal since graduation.

15. What do you wish you'd done less of? Procrastinating, as always.

16. How did you spend your Christmas? Woke up at my dad's and opened presents, went to my mom's and opened more presents, ate food, picked up Dan and went to the grandparents', then back to mom's and then to Dan's again.

17. Did you fall in love in 2004? No...Though I suppose I could be on my way. We'll see.

18. What was your favorite TV program? Uh...Family Guy, even though I think I watched about 2 episodes on the actual television (the rest were on DVD).

19. What was the best book you read? White Oleander, probably. I didn't do a whole lot of reading.

20. What was your greatest musical discovery of 2004? "Hip hop", woooo! I don't think there's any one artist in particular.

21. What did you want and get? A trip to NYC (I WILL go again!) and...Dan.

22. What did you want and not get? This guitar. And a new computer.

23. What was your favorite film of this year? I had a few - Mean Girls, Napolean Dynamite, Without a Paddle (almost forgot that one), 13 Going on 30 (much better movie than I expected), and Finding Neverland.

24. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? On my actual birthday (a Tuesday), I went to school, hung out at Kurtis's, then went to drama. The weekend before, I had a birthday party - I was pleasantly surprised at the larger-than-expected turnout. And my parents took me out to TGI Friday's the night before. It was my 18th birthday.

25. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Decent parking on campus at SVSU. And perhaps winning thousands of dollars on one of my Bingo lotto tickets.

26. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004? Very Old Navy-influenced. I've bought a lot of clothes from them since I started working there.

27. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Johnny Depp. And not just because he's attractive (though that certainly doesn't hurt any).

28. Who was the best new person you met? Y'know, this should be an easier question to answer than it is, seeing as I started going to a college FILLED with new people...however, so far I've made no new lasting friendships there. So maybe a couple of Dan's friends - Brandon and Matt, they're pretty cool - and some people I met through work. This is more than one person, yes, but there isn't just one new person.

29. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004: Some things aren't as easy as they might appear to be; also, sometimes certain events or people have a much deeper or longer-lasting effect on you than you might first think.

30. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. 'There's so many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how...'

Posted by Rachel at 11:21 AM |

Sunday, December 26, 2004 

I wish I had somewhere else to go. I really really wish I had a place of my own all the sudden. Moreso than I have in the past. I can't seem to escape...people. So many distractions everywhere that are so easy to get lost in. I can feel myself as I once knew me slipping away. I can't really tell what's taking its place though. I don't know what I'm becoming.

Ugh. Shoot me now. I sound so emo.

Then again, emo kids are all about "emotions." I'm not really feeling any. Just exhaustion. And blah.

Posted by Rachel at 11:10 PM |

Wednesday, December 22, 2004 

Three long long days at work down, one more to go...

What I've done on my Christmas break (thus far)

I checked out of my dorm Thursday morning then bought Josh and Jeff lunch for the second day in a row. Of the $800 I had for the semester on my meal plan, I still had $194 even after the damage Josh and Jeff did. This will be added to the $800 I get next semester, which in theory would mean I'd have twice that amount left over at the end of April. Looks like my birthday party refreshments will be courtesy of the C-Store.

I did some Christmas shopping Thursday, but after writing checks for more than the amount of money left in my checking account (I'd forgotten to write one of my checks in the ledger thingy and consequently thought I had more left than I actually did) and after nearly being hit at least twice by looney last-minute holiday drivers hellbent on beating me to the parking spot I wasn't even after, I gave up and called it a day. For the record, I got my paycheck later that day and deposited it before any of the checks could bounce...I headed to Dan's, but he wasn't home so I continued on to my mom's to unload some of my stuff. On my way back through he STILL wasn't home so I went and paid my dad and stepmom a visit. Got free dinner out of it, woo.

Friday was the day we went and saw Finding Neverland. Beautiful movie - it would have been even without Johnny Depp as the lead character (though that certainly added to it). I stared at the screen in wonder many times - I love stories with lots of imaginative things in them. I caught Dan looking at me more than once throughout the movie, just watching me, but whenever I'd say "what?" he'd just kind of smile/laugh and shake his head. It's so hard to tell what he's thinking sometimes...

Saturday Anna and I went Christmas shopping and she bought 3409765906 things for Alex. It made me feel better about spending as much as I did on Dan, lol, though it was on fewer things. I find myself both looking forward to and dreading exchanging presents with him, because I don't want him to be disappointed with the things I got him.

Posted by Rachel at 11:22 AM |

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 

Hey, kids....I seem to have disappeared, I know, but Old Navy has become the devil...I worked 4-11 Sunday, 3-11 yesterday, and I have to work 3-11 again tonight. I do have tomorrow off, for Jeff's party, but then it's back to work Thursday, from 2 til 11. Nine hours! *cringe* Hopefully next week I'll only work like, one day. Cuz I could seriously use a break.

Well, I best be off...

Posted by Rachel at 2:07 PM |

Friday, December 17, 2004 

blue template

The Christmas template was striking me as slightly juvenile (though I do still like the idea of using pictures as links...maybe next time...) so I started working on something new last night. It is about as finished as it's going to get, so enjoy.

Posted by Rachel at 6:23 PM |

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 

Well, I am packing up the computer now, so no internet for me tonight. You'll just have to call me if you want to talk to me before tomorrow evening sometime.

The number is a couple posts down. I'm sure you can find it. I have to work tonight though, 6 til 11pm, and I check out of here at 11am tomorrow.

So until then, au revoir.

Posted by Rachel at 2:56 PM |

Monday, December 13, 2004 


UPDATE: Thanks to KaiN's genius (and a bit of reconfiguration), both AIM and Trillian are up and running again.

Still though. Phones can be fun...

Posted by Rachel at 1:47 PM |


Two days of exams and I am home free (literally) for 3 weeks. In the word of Napolean Dynamite, "Yesssssssss..."

For some reason, both Trillian and AIM refuse to connect here at SVSU as of last Thursday - whether this is due to my outdated computer or to the devil known as SVSU, I do not know. Either way, it results in me not being able to talk to people via the internet. So bear in mind, I'm not being antisocial intentionally. I have no choice. But I do have a phone. On which you could call me. So go ahead. Try it. 964-6149.

A thank you to Kurtis for pirating music on my behalf - I'm sure K-Os probably isn't up his alley, but I like it. SVSU just has to try and ruin all my fun...but I find ways around it, yep...

In other news, I can't find Jeff's Christmas present, which I bought (while he was with me) about a week and and a half ago. I'm starting to suspect that he took it home with him even though I told him he couldn't have it til Christmas. Either that or I am seriously losing it. My mind, that is, not his present. Though I lost that too (see beginning of paragraph).

Christmas in T minus 12 days. Am I the only one who still has some serious shopping to do? Maybe I'll go Thursday. I get a paycheck Thursday. Money seems to be necessary when shopping, after all.

Posted by Rachel at 2:08 AM |

Thursday, December 09, 2004 

Paul is coming up for Christmas! Yay! He said he'll be here from December 22 through the 29. And he said to tell everyone "hi" and to "spread the love," whatever he meant by that.

Posted by Rachel at 1:14 AM |

Monday, December 06, 2004 

I can't believe my luck lately....I've been putting off a research paper for days now, weeks even (or at least working very little on it). We were supposed to start presenting them today, and I have yet to even produce a rough draft. Well, at about 11 this morning I got a call saying that my English class this afternoon was cancelled. Rock on.

I've been procrastinating on everything though, Christmas shopping included. Today I gave in and started shopping on eBay, and I signed up for a Paypal account. This could be disastrous - now there's nothing standing between me and my hard earned cash when it comes to spending it online...It's like direct withdraw, on demand! My poor checking account, ye shall be continuously least until Christmas over and I've satisfied my impulsive whim to buy everything I want.

Speaking of Christmas, I was trying to think of somewhere Christmassy to go, to like get into the spirit and stuff. My roommate (in one of her rare brilliant moments, hehe) suggested Frankenmuth. So my unofficial mission for this Friday (since I don't have to work) is to go to Frankenmuth. And you know, it'd be pretty cool if I had someone to go with me. Or more than one person! It could be like a group of people! I want to walk around the town and go in the little shops and...yeah. Anyone care to accompany me?

Posted by Rachel at 1:34 PM |

Friday, December 03, 2004 

I've been feeling very productive this week. I've been taking care of things I'd been putting off (I'll spare you the details of that; the tasks were uninteresting things like closing bank accounts, transferring money, taking care of bills, etc.). I've also actually started working on some school projects I should've started weeks ago. I've been getting up earlier than usual, even on the days I don't have to; I'm finding that I'm generally more productive in the morning (as opposed to the evening, when I waste countless hours every week on the internet - like now).

Today my productivity slowed up a bit. But it's okay; everyone needs a break every now and then, right? Last night after work I made a very impromptu trip to STC at Dan's request. He missed me, he said, and so I went to see him - I enjoy random, spontaneous events every now and then to keep things interesting. This morning Jeff requested my presence during his break between classes at Delta, so I went there too. I should have studied for the math test I had this afternoon instead, better judgement doesn't ALWAYS win over. He and I walked around "the circle" a few times, then went down to the Commons (is that what it's called there?) so I could get something to eat. On my way out of Delta, I ran into Jenni and we talked for a few minutes. I don't get to see her much; I should call her up sometime and see if she wants to hang out sometime to catch up and stuff.

Due in part to our meeting, I was late getting back to SVSU, so no studying. I was late to class, too, actually, by about 20 minutes; I knew they were giving presentations for the first half an hour though so I wasn't too extremely worried. I looked over the material a little bit once I got there, right up until she passed out the test; unfortunately for me, I still didn't remember how to do everything the test covered. Fortunately though, there was a page and a half of extra credit problems which allowed me to attempt to redeem myself.

I got out of class half an hour early so I picked up my paycheck and met Ryan (and later Jeff) at the mall. Yes, I attempted to do some Christmas shopping tonight; ironically enough, the only people I got done in the 6 hours we were out were Ryan and Jeff, both of whom were with me (well, I got my brother done too - a gift card to Best Buy [don't tell him!]). I bought a belt and a bracelet for myself as well during our fiasco, cuz I'm selfish like that. I still don't know what I'm going to get most of my people, including Dan, but I've got a few ideas now, at least. And I've got a couple new accessories to wear the next time I go Christmas shopping.

Posted by Rachel at 12:06 AM |

Thursday, December 02, 2004 

My SVSU mess is finally completely taken care of, thankfully. I had to call them at like 9am the day everything was due, and they FINALLY put in my scholarship right then. The good news is though, that it covered a large part of my bill - more than I expected - so I grudgingly forgave them. Not that I had a choice. But since I had a couple hundred dollars left to my name, I celebrated by actually filling up my gas tank (as opposed to putting in only 2 or 3 gallons). Not much of a celebration, I realize, but it's a relief knowing I won't have to worry about seeing just how far my car can still go when the guage says Empty.

I think having a checking account is actually going to be a bit dangerous for me. See, before, I would deposit most of my money into my savings account, and I wouldn't spend it because it wasn't as easy to get to. I would only spend the cash I had on me, instead of going all the way to the bank in STC (the bank I had my account at didn't have a branch here near SVSU) to get more. But with my checking account, I can get to my money whenever, where-ever, just by filling out a little slip of paper. It's going to require some additional self-control not to spend it all, I can see that...

Posted by Rachel at 10:30 PM |